Se o amor está no ar, ele tem companhia… micróbios!
Há diversos microrganismos habitando a atmosfera do nosso planeta, e não só aqui embaixo, pertinho de nós. [...]
As máquinas que fazem da biologia uma ciência de grandes números
Sequenciadores de DNA, gravadores, drones e outros aparelhos de uso crescente permitem imensos ganhos [...]
Pesquisadores processam montanha de dados de mais de 300 espécies de tartarugas viventes e [...]
Up in the clouds with the fungi
Airborne transport of microorganisms is assumed to occur over vast global scales, but we know [...]
Estudo mapeia bioma e o que existe no ar que respiramos
O que existe no ar que respiramos? A verdade é que há até bem pouco [...]
Air Microbiome Changes Over Day-Night Cycle
Organisms across the tree of life, from plankton to humans, follow day-night cycles. New research [...]
Bacteria and fungi show a precise daily rhythm in tropical air, finds NTU
Scientists from the Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE) at Nanyang Technological University, [...]
Juventude aprende a pesquisar nas férias
Na tarde da última sexta-feira (19/7), o pátio do Centro de Ciências da Saúde (CCS) [...]
Moscas varejeiras carregam alta porcentagem de bactérias que causam doenças em humanos
Agência FAPESP – Cerca de 30% dos microrganismos encontrados em moscas varejeiras são capazes de causar [...]
Blowflies carry a high percentage of bacteria that cause diseases in humans
Agência FAPESP – Nearly 30% of the microorganisms found in blowflies are capable of causing diseases in [...]
Cientistas sequenciam DNA de grupo de insetos
No ano 2000, o grupo liderado pela professora da Unicamp Ana Maria Lima de Azeredo Espin foi o [...]
Estudo desvenda evolução de moscas-varejeiras
Na mesma época em que os dinossauros começaram a desaparecer – durante a transição do [...]
Estudo desvenda evolução de moscas-varejeiras
Karina Toledo | Agência FAPESP – Na mesma época em que os dinossauros começaram a desaparecer [...]
Study reveals evolution of blow flies and flesh flies
By Karina Toledo | Agência FAPESP – At the same time as the dinosaurs began to [...]
Moscas podem carregar 351 tipos de bactéria. E até espalhar gastrite
Basta uma única mosquinha sobrevoando a mesa para ligar o sinal de alerta: quem está [...]
Moscas podem transmitir mais doenças do que pensávamos
Se você acha que moscas são animais pouco higiênicos, a ciência acaba de encontrar evidências [...]
Estudo revela que moscas são muito mais nojentas do que imaginávamos
Elas entram no lixo, passam por esgotos e cadáveres, vomitam em tudo, estão cobertas de [...]
Moscas no Brasil podem transmitir bactéria associada à úlcera, diz estudo
Moscas podem carregar centenas de diferentes espécies de bactérias prejudiciais aos seres humanos, diz estudo [...]
Nunca deve comer algo que uma mosca tenha tocado, dizem cientistas
Um novo estudo conduzido por investigadores do Brasil, Singapura e Estados Unidos revelou que nunca [...]
Flies more germ-laden than suspected
Scientists have discovered that flies carry more diseases than suspected.The house fly and the blowfly [...]
Flies’ Feet Can Spread Bacteria
Researchers have undertaken a massive sequencing effort to analyze the whole genomes of 116 houseflies [...]
Study Shows Just How Dirty Houseflies Are
Do you want flies with your food? The answer should almost always be no, and a study [...]
Don’t eat food if a fly lands on it, as they carry more dangerous bacteria than previously thought, warn scientists
Most picnickers would brush away flies from food, thinking nothing of bugs briefly landing on [...]
Bacteria spreads around cities on the back of flies
Flies really do spread germs, a new study confirmed.The insects are not only annoying by [...]
It Turns Out That Flies Are Much, Much Worse Than We Ever Knew
We all know that with their penchant to feast on rotting flesh and partiality for [...]
Houseflies Are More Capable of Spreading Disease Than We Realized
It’s never a nice feeling to watch a fly land on your next bite of [...]
Harmful Bacteria Hitch A Ride On Houseflies
AsianScientist (Nov. 28, 2017) – An international research team led by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore [...]
Flies could help to monitor disease outbreaks by acting as ‘autonomous bionic drones’ suggest scientists
An international research team led by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have proposed that [...]
Flies carrying hundreds of species of bacteria from poo and rotting flesh pose disease threat, experts warn
The international study, launched at Penn State Eberly College of Science in the United States, [...]
Houseflies Carry More Dangerous Bacteria Than Previously Believed
Houseflies carry as many as several hundred different species of bacteria, some of which may [...]
You should never eat food after a fly lands on it, study says
SEEING a fly land on the food you have been tucking into isn’t an uncommon [...]
Hijacking house-flies to monitor disease outbreaks
In news bound to make the commongermophobe even more paranoid about that fly buzzing around [...]
Flies’ disease-carrying potential may be greater than thought, researchers say
Flies can be more than pesky picnic crashers, they may be potent pathogen carriers, too, [...]
NTU scientists suggest flies could help to monitor disease outbreaks by acting as ‘autonomous bionic drones’
An international research team led by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have proposed that swarms of [...]
Las moscas son los portaviones de las invasiones bacterianas
La naturaleza está llena de seres llenos de ambición, pequeños y grandes conquistadores que quieren [...]
Stručnjaci kažu da ne biste trebali jesti s tanjura na koji je sletjela muha; ogavnije su nego što su mislili
Nikada ne biste smjeli jesti s tanjura na koji je sletjela muha. Oni koji jedu [...]
Αυτός είναι ο λόγος που δεν πρέπει ΠΟΤΕ να τρώμε φαγητό που έχει κάτσει πάνω μύγα (ετοιμαστείτε να αηδιάσετε)
Όταν βλέπετε την μανούλα σας να γίνεται υστερική με τις μύγες που βλέπει στην κουζίνα, [...]
Les mouches sont de véritables risques d’hygiène ambulants – StopNuisibles
Les mouches sont connues pour répandre des maladies et détériorer les activités alimentaires, de santé et pharmaceutiques. Dans [...]
Мух предложили использовать для предотвращения эпидемий
Ученые исследовали микробиомы комнатных мух и обнаружили большое разнообразие патогенных микроорганизмов. Известно, что мухи способны переносить микроорганизмы-возбудители многих [...]
Мухи оказались еще более опасными разносчиками заразы, чем считалось
Микробиологи впервые провели тотальную перепись бактерий, которых разносят на своих телах мухи. Оказалось, что на [...]
Muchy roznoszą jeszcze więcej chorób, niż myśleliśmy
O tym, że muchy "roznoszą zarazki" słyszymy niemal od dziecka. Okazuje się, jednak, że do [...]
So viele Keime tragen Fliegen mit sich
Rund 100 verschiedene Wirbellosenarten leben in jedem durchschnittlichen Haushalt – das zeigte eine Studie in "Scientific Reports". Zu [...]